Following the success of automation projects for HKTVmall's flagship distribution center in previous years, BPS Global is proud to cooperate with HKTVmall again in 2019 to drive the development of logistics technology solutions. Equipped with a customized automatic crossbelt sorter system including concept and layout design, application as well as continued technical support and maintenance, can further improve efficiency and meet the demands from high value-added logistics services.
HKTVmall currently engages in developing Hong Kong's largest 24-hour online shopping mall, with more than 320,000 local and global products for sales covering the needs of every aspect of customer’s lives. The automatic sorter system helps to increase productivity, improve accuracy of order processing and the working environment of warehouse operators. First, the barcode labels on the parcels will be scanned by the scanning system, parcels will be delivered and distributed to the designated delivery points by the sorters basing on the embedded business rules. The sorters are designed to handle throughputs around 13,000 items per hour in average and sort a wide-range of products from large parcels down to small items, to different delivery points with an accuracy rate of 99%.
An automatic sorter system performs sortation of products (goods, luggage, mail, etc.) according to their destinations. Special equipment can be selected to meet different speed and capacity requirements. At BPS, we are able to supply a wide range of automatic sorting systems and provide the most suitable solution for a high efficiency in logistics operational process.