Being the Exhibitor and Guest Speaker in "LOGTECH Expo 2021"

Being the Exhibitor and Guest Speaker in "LOGTECH Expo 2021"
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BPS Global was invited by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to be the exhibitor and guest speaker in "LOGTECH Expo 2021". It was successfully held at HKPC Building on 15 October. Most of the top logistics technology solution providers were invited to showcase their solutions to users. This is a valuable platform to keep local logistics SMEs abreast of the latest technological trends and to make better use of government funding.

Our CEO, Ir. Kelvin Ko was the guest speaker to share the insight on “The Future of Global Logistics” and panel discussion of topic “Logistics Technologies: Latest Trends”. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the need for automation in 2020 and 2021, enterprises are finding ways to minimize face-to-face interactions. We believe the enterprises will continue to apply the logistics technology on supply chain to save the labour cost and enhance efficiency in 2022.

Our Principal Consultant, Dr. YM Wong was invited to speak on the “BPS -Footprint of Logistics Technology & Solutions” in the event. Dr. Wong shared the successful automation cases of BPS Global and introduced the latest logistics technology, such as Robotic Arm, Autonomous Guided Forklift (AGF) etc to help enterprises become more competitive.

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