BPS Global is Invited to be the Speaker for the Hong Kong Productivity Council Panel Webinar

BPS Global is Invited to be the Speaker for the Hong Kong Productivity Council Panel Webinar
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Hong Kong Government has launched the “Pilot Subsidy Scheme for Third-party Logistics Service Providers” (the Pilot Scheme) to encourage the adoption of technology by the logistics sector for enhancing efficiency and productivity.

On Nov 2, Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), an implementing partner of the Pilot Scheme had invited our CEO Ir. Kelvin Ko to participate the speaking session under the topic “Logistics Technologies that Make A Difference” and panel discussion on the Pilot Scheme Webinar. He shared the prospect of the logistics industry in the coming year and how SMEs can quickly and timely adopt high technology to meet the new challenges by changing business models.

Facing the rapid growth and transformation of the logistics industry diversified logistics services or even highly customized solutions for different customers can be offered to generate additional value. Due to the high upfront investment costs on logistics technology, the SMEs can take advantage of the Pilot Scheme to explore business opportunities and sustain the competitiveness of Hong Kong's logistics industry.

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