BPS Global is Ranked by an International Market Research as "The Largest Warehouse Automation System Integrator in Hong Kong"

BPS Global is Ranked by an International Market Research as "The Largest Warehouse Automation System Integrator in Hong Kong"
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According to the Study of Warehouse Automation Solutions Market in Hong Kong conducted by Ipsos in Hong Kong in Q3 2020, BPS Global is a leading system integrator in Hong Kong covering the largest range of industries for Warehouse Automation Technology solutions in Hong Kong.

The data in the Ipsos report are based on data and intelligence obtained through:

(a) first-hand research through in-depth telephone interviews with key leaders;

(b) to support and identify trends in industry facts through second-hand case research by collecting the background information;

(c) to conduct consultations with client for advance research.

As the warehouse automation system integrators, we offer the optimal comprehensive solutions that cover solution design and consultancy services for the overall logistics system, installation and integration of equipment, customized software, automated solutions and control system.

With nearly 30 years of experience in logistics technology, our smart automated warehouse solution features a series of advanced automation set up, including goods-to-person fulfillment technology and warehouse storage systems with Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV), Autonomous Guided Forklift (AGF), High Bay Robot, Vertical Carousel, Pick/Put-to-light System, Sorting and Conveyor System etc.

Our professional logistics technology team will continue the effort to know, understand customer's business environment and provide the best automation solutions to maintain a recognized reputation of "The Largest Warehouse Automation System Integrator in Hong Kong".

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