Lo Pan Rice with love 2022

Lo Pan Rice with love 2022
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Pandemic cruelty can never stop human kindness. BPS Global echoed to the calls from the Construction Industry Council and the Hong Kong Construction Association in joining the “18 Districts Lo Pan Rice 2022” campaign. Not only did we financially support this activity, but also we sent our staff to serve in the delivery of free meal boxes to the people in need, so to promote and inherit the spirit of Master Lo Pan.

The “Lo Pan Rice” campaign aims at collaborating construction industry and different social welfare organizations to extend warmth to the whole of Hong Kong this year. The goal is to ease the stress through this tough time for the people in need, such as the elderly from care homes, elderly living alone, families with elderly parents, unemployed, low-income families, people with limited mobility, homeless, subdivided households, ethnic minorities, etc.

On 3rd November, BPS Global voluntary team helped delivering the free meal boxes in Longevity Palace in the afternoon. They interacted with the elderlies and learned about their individual situations. Due to the anti-pandemic measures, visitors are kept to minimum in care homes. Elderlies lived there could hardly have contact with people outside. Through caring actions and heart-warming greetings, the elderlies were deeply touched. In return, our voluntary team has learnt a lot through the interaction.

The elderlies are reminded that they are respected and cared about through the love and care from BPS Global voluntary team. They are thankful and they look forward to meeting our team again.

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