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The annual LOGTECH EXPO was successfully held at Hong Kong Productivity Council HKPC Building on the 28th - 29th of November. The aim of this EXPO is to keep local logistics SMEs abreast of the latest technological trends of the sector and to promote the application of logistics technology.

BPS Global is honoured to be one of the exhibitors and guest speakers this year. In the EXPO, BPS Global introduced the newly established AMC - Advance Manufacture Centre - and presented the latest delivery robot. These caused much interest in the industry and aroused abundant enquiries from companies.

Besides, interactions among exhibitors in the EXPO increased their understanding of the latest logistics products and technologies. Hopefully, this will lead to the enhancement of production outcomes.

BPS Global always provides the best one-stop logistics solution service in Hong Kong. We aim to maximize competitiveness of our clients and we are enthusiastic in promoting exchange of industrial technologies.

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