SCHSA - Elderly Home Visit

SCHSA - Elderly Home Visit
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BPS Global notices the elderly are important resources to our society. They contributed much of their time and knowledges in building and development of culture and economy of Hong Kong. Therefore, in the past few years, we constantly participated in Elderly Care Voluntary Services. On 15 September 2018, our staff joined the event of “Mid-Autumn Elderly Home Visit” which was organized by the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA). The SCHSA is a charitable organization offers 24-hour personal caring and emergency assistance services to the elderly and others in need through the use of technology.

The program lasted for nearly 4 hours. Our staff are divided into groups and assigned to visit 2-4 elderly’s homes with the festival gift packs. The gift packs included mooncake, noodles, snack, a bottle of oil and so on. Our staff volunteers enjoyed the happy moment with them through sincere conversation with topics such as daily lifestyle, their young life experiences, etc. They sent the warmest festival greetings to the elderly with the festival packs. Our visits are full of laughter and joyment.

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