Getting Serious About MHE: Five Things to Consider

Over the past 30 years, automation and materials handling has enhanced the way warehouses operate. The advancements are endless: manual machines have been replaced with automated systems for faster, cheaper, improved processing, throughput, safety and efficiency.

What were previously automatic guided vehicles (AGV’s based on either a guided wire or magnet in the floor) are now adopting 3D vision and 3D laser hybrid sensors, data matrix barcodes and other sophisticated technology enabling efficient movement and positioning of product and ‘goods to person’ processes.

Whilst an increase in vendors selling Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) offers more choice than ever before, considerably more is involved in developing solutions to ensure improved, integrated warehousing operations and the beneficial impact on the bottom-line.

Here we explore the five considerations any business should explore before selecting the right MHE solution.

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